Deselect on uncheck the desired options (such as Ordinals with superscript, Hyphens with a dash or Fractions with fraction character).In the categories on the left, select Proofing.To turn AutoFormat As You Type options off:

Turning AutoFormat As You Type options off To access AutoCorrect, you’ll need to display the Word Options dialog box and then click Proofing in the categories on the left (screenshots are from Word 365 but a similar in other versions of Word): When Word seems to change formatting automatically, AutoCorrect options are typically causing the change (such as correcting spelling errors, adding lines, changing straight quotes to smart quotes, formatting ordinals with superscript, changing internet paths to hyperlinks and applying automatic bullets and numbering). Recommended article: How to Hide Comments in Word (or Display Them)ĭo you want to learn more about Microsoft Word? Check out our virtual classroom or live classroom Word courses > If text or formatting is changing, there are several options you can turn off. You can stop Word from changing formatting automatically in your documents by turning off AutoFormat As You Type settings in the AutoCorrect dialog box. By Avantix Learning Team | Updated October 9, 2021Īpplies to: Microsoft ® Word ® 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 or 365 (Windows)